Hope you're having a great summer!

But just in case the kids are getting a little restless– we whipped up some fun activity sheets that should keep them busy for at least 10 minutes. You can download the sheets and print them out, or you could download and import them into your favorite drawing/painting program.


Don't you just love these spot-the-differences games?!?! I sure do! As you can probably see, I got pretty into this one. Inspired by classic cartoons, I let the whacky environment act as a perfect wonderland for hiding all of the differences. There are 12 in all, and I will be honest- this one's a bit of a challenge!

Not to worry if you get stumped, there's a link to the answers right there with the download.

Click on the image to download.

The first one is a classic maze. I tinkered with it for quite a while to make it look pretty confusing at first glance, but not too incredibly difficult for future maze experts. And even if you get lost along the way, there is plenty to see on your worm tunnel journey. Which leads us to the bonus game! Find all the fun underground (for the most part) items on the list.

As an additional activity, I left the maze page black and white so you can have fun coloring all the little nooks and crannies. Enjoy, and send us a pic of your finished masterpiece to be featured on the News feed! Just email a pic to Jose@JoseLucio.com or mention us on Instagram @_jose_lucio_

Click on the image to download.

